1.A brief introduction of MEPS
MEPS(Minimum Energy Performance Standards) is one of the requirements of the Korean government for the energy consumption of electrical products. The implementation of MEPS certification is based on Articles 15 and 19 of the "Rational Utilization of Energy Act" (에너지이용합리화법), and the implementation rules are the Circular No. 2011-263 of the Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy. According to this requirement, designated product categories sold in South Korea need to comply with MEPS requirements, including refrigerators, TVs, etc.
The "Rational Utilization of Energy Law" (에너지이용합리화법) was revised on December 27, 2007, making the "Standby Korea 2010" plan established by the Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy and KEMCO (Korea Energy Management Corporation) mandatory. In this plan, products that pass the E-standby requirement but fail to meet the standby energy saving standard must be tagged with a warning label; if the product meets the energy-saving standards, the "Energy Boy" energy-saving logo needs to be affixed. The program covers 22 products, mainly computers, routers, etc.
In addition to the MEPS and e-Standby systems, Korea also has high-efficiency product certification. Products covered by the system do not include products not covered by the MEPS and e-Standy, but products that have passed the high-efficiency certification system can also use the "Energy Boy" label. At present, there are 44 kinds of high-efficiency certified products, mainly pumps, boilers and lighting equipment.
MEPS, e-Standby and high-efficiency product certification tests all need to be carried out in the laboratory designated by KEMCO. After the test is completed, the test report is submitted to KEMCO for registration. The registered product information will be published on the website of the Korea Energy Agency.
(1)If the products of the MEPS designated category fail to obtain energy efficiency certification as required, the Korean regulatory authority may impose a fine of up to US$18,000;
(2)In the e-Standby low power consumption program, if the product warning label does not meet the requirements, the Korean regulatory authority may impose a fine of 5,000 US dollars per model.

Post time: Sep-21-2022